#YouTubers have all types of #reactions to metal. Check out 10 of the funniest and more cringeworthy from all over YouTube.
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#LoudLists #Loudwire #Top10 #React #Funny #Metal
Source: Loudwire
2:09 that was a nice omg
Aint no skippin leg day
NoLifeShaq actually appreciates the metal songs that's submitted & he even throws on a long haired wig to headbang🤘🏼😈
I love nolifeshaq's clip of him immediately standing up going "nope, nope…" after hearing only 2 seconds of the drums intro xD such a badass intro to a song
3:44 I'm sorry. What?
2:40 This group was the most annoying.
Can’t have a top 10 reaction video without a jinjer -Pisces reaction
It’s fun to see the black people (Who prob listen to rap usually) give it a chance. Talk about two genres colliding! 😂
Seeing Jinjer live was definitely an experience.
As a 14 year old Extreme Metalhead, this funny.
PUSBOIL rules.
0:11 what, is he allergic to fast drums?
D Gibby is by far the most annoying reaction tuber. Even named himself d-gibby. Pretty 🌈
The last one looked like both of them went into therapy after that.
alright but if the first metal genere you listen to is slam you are either a psychopath or you are forced by someone
imagine getting them with grindcore
jeez … painkiller was one of my favs when i was 12y when it came out. can't even try to get it? no life seems about right.
youtube metal gentrification
lost in vegas and jeff hefner literally become metalheads nowadays
The problem with some of that campy shit Is that now these people are turned off metal forever, anyone can write a song about feeding babies into wood chippers but there’s more technically impressive shit out there that’s all I’m saying
Infant annihilator mentioned 💪🏼
Ah yes there are people who are confused, there are people who enjoyed it, and there people who think it's trash
All hope is gone 😉
"Its one of those 🤓"
Punk light years better
I watched Cattle Decapitation’s Forced Gender Reassignment Surgery video and had the same reaction as everyone in this video.
Shit songs. Wow.
Man I love when the black guy at the beginning says "nope!!" After one and half seconds!
Vinandsori (last video) are actually doing some of the best reaction videos I've seen when it comes to metal, especially considering they are very religious (or at least claim to be). It's usually a bit more melodic stuff they enjoy, but the way they analyse the lyrics and everything is better than many others
Someone has to have the talk with them. They have to learn about the bleghs and the brees.
Now image some metalheads listening to popmusic. Jumping up and screaming in disgust. What's wrong with these people?!
As a dyed in the wool Hip Hop disciple, this was hilarious, the christians seemed terrified with Black Metal, lmao
3:07 I can't stop replaying her reaction 😂😂😂
When you spin up "Infant Annihilator" … you should have certain expectations.
Considering Loudwire's obsession with Slipknot it's weird that there's not a single Slipknot reaction here.
Man whoever thought it was a good idea to expose innocent ears to cannibal corpse, is not only a horrible person, but an amazing comedian 😂
3:37 the sped kid warning us of the quiet kid
1:14 I love metal but upside down crosses and blood of a demon. Nope.
It's ALL demonic
To be fair, that is also the Metalhead reaction to Soil The Stillborn
nope! nope! this is one of those
Their name is Cannibal Corpse 🤷🏾♂️ 3:22
Bro at least give it chance 0:08
Painkiller is an absolute head slammer 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸😊
That's not metal its shit