(Everlasting Spew)
Rating: 8.0
I dig Corpsessed, so it follows that I should enjoy the sounds of Finnish trio Tormentor Tyrant, here on their debut full-length laying down DM law with authority, members of the aforementioned bruisers along with members of a bunch of other bands I have maybe or maybe not heard of more or less putting the blinders on and worshipping at the altar of early Cannibal Corpse and Deicide, with satisfying results.
Some Malevolent Creation death/thrash sounds start the record off before “Torture Devine” takes Legion-era Deicide to a slightly more modern place; “Tartarean Iron Grip” showcases a neck-snap groove that works; “Crueler Tomorrow” brings a welcome South American bestial mania to the proceedings.
“Terminal Revelation” has a killer DM-vox solo intro, and album highlight “Cosmic Wild Hunt” shows some songwriting dynamics and skills, proving Tormentor Tyrant has more up their sleeve than caveman throwbacks.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that, and not that there’s anything wrong with this raging, fun, and diverse enough death metal album. Check out gross-out sewer-stomper closer “Heavy Death Bombardment” for a fun summation of this band’s burbliest gurglings.
Source: bravewords.com