A Metal band where the bass and the drums are the prominent instruments while the guitars are in the background. Not only in the background, most of the guitars are full of strummings and effects as the famous Chorus pedal which gives that impression of echo. Well, this situation is not that rare. I remember reviewing an album where the bass was the star. On the other hand, there are those strong guitars very common around Metalcore. There are a lot of strummings in this album. Most of the songs have that atmospheric mood that reminds some Atmospheric Black Metal bands or Post-Black Metal bands, but lacking the gutural vocals and the dissonances which, from where I’m standing, enrich a lot the songs. Add to that the absolute lacking of guitar leads. Remember, the guitars are mostly in the background.
That’s what Hangman’s Chair with “Saddiction” deliver the fan. Give or take. But, the burning question is, why am I reviewing an album whose music I said clearly many times I dislike or I disdain? The answer is not simple. First, because I liked the defy of writing about something I really do not like. It is not easy to write about something you do not like even more when it comes to music. Words seem to go away. Feelings seem to dry out. Will seem to be scarce. Second, I would like to remind my early years here when I used to take that kind of albums to review because I did not have the partners I have now. Third, it proves Nuclear Blast Records has a very varied artist portfolio as I said when I wrote trhe review about Dynazty. It is so good to be right!
I’ll begin with “44 YOD,” a track that starts a little as Def Lepard’s “Histeria” era with all the strummings and slow cadence, but without the hot vocals of Joe Elliott and the Lepard’s exuberance. The track called my attention because I had to listen to it again because I don’t know why my player stopped, and then, after some minutes, resumed in the end of it and I thought it had a huge hiatus in it. My bad. Not the band’s. However, somehow “Saddiction” made me think that would be possible. It was with grand finale “Healed?” that I understood the spirit of the album. Or, better yet, what lacks in it. It is the thrist of blood many Metal bands have. That urge of taking on the world with the guitars. “Saddiction” needs spice. “Saddiction” sometimes needs to speed it up.
To the right fan, “Saddiction” is the album. I will not say it isn’t good. I had some good time listening to it especially with album welcomer “To Know the Night.” Clearly, Hangman’s Chair‘s intent was to write sad music for sad people. Well, they nailed it.
Hangman’s Chair “Saddiction” will be released on February 14th via Nuclear Blast Records.
Track Listing:
1 To Know the Night
2 The Worst is Yet to Come
3 In Disguise
4 Kowloon Lights
5 2 AM Thoughts (Dool)
6 Canvas
7 Neglect
8 44 YOD
9 Healed?
Watch “Kowloon Lights” official music video here:
Source: metaladdicts.com