Here’s the last of the playthrough video series and this time it’s Waltteri Väyrynen taking you through his drum parts for ‘§5’, the fifth track of the latest album, ’The Last Will And Testament’
The Last Will & Testament is out now!:
@SabianVault @wincentdrumsticks @PearlDrumsUS @pearldrumseurope @EvansDrumheadsOfficial
Source: Opeth
Here goes Gavin Harrison's metal version!!!!!
Man i'm crazy about these playthrough sessions
The embodyment of 'good taste'.
your snare sounds way better here than in the album though, must say that
Phenomenal stick height consistency throughout. The chamelion-like sticking was also amazing to see. Great video, as always!
One of my favorite drum lines on the album. The canonical event of Opeth reggaeton/axé music/those Latin things.
Incredible drum work!! 💪
The fuckin left hand in this song is outrageous. This kid is a goddmn robot. Incredible.
Simply amazing, go Waltteri!
He is in love with his snare 🙂
i will show this to my kids
As I’m thinking “This kit sounds absolutely superb…” @5:30 it’s props-montage to the drum roadie. Well done💪🥁
That snare is ridiculous. Killer sound and playing.
Incredibly! Hello Waltteri from Russia, Gelendzhik!
"last"? noooooooo 😭
Opeth really couldn’t have found a more perfect drummer. Insane technical skills and precision with so much feeling and dynamics put into each fill and groove.
I became a fan of Opeth before Ghost Reveries released and was familiar with the entire discography up to that point in time. Jump forward to 2025, and I've still followed Opeth up until this point. I've listened through all eras of Opeth and have seen the line-up changes both on recording and live shows. I say this with the utmost respect to all the previous drummers, but Waltteri demonstrates a type of drumming discipline that none of the previous drummers have demonstrated on record or on video for that matter, and I am here for it.
§5 is my favorite track from the record, and I've wanted to see a live demonstration of how this is played. You and Baard have inspired me to get my ass in gear behind the kit again. Thank you <3
If you wanna win, hire a finn
torille lähössä pikkuhiljaa tässä
One they he will step in Mike Portnoy shoes! Fantastic!
Kudos to David Castillo. It sounds better than in the album IMO.
You're so accurate and musical, seeing you play is pure enjoyment. The chops are so full of dynamics and groove. You and Senri Kawaguchi must be among the best drummers of your generation!
Love it ❤
drum machine
Camarada mandou um baião… 🤘🏽🤘🏽
I can watch drum playthroughs of Waltteri all day long……so much variety with his playing……Opeth's best album since Ghost Reveries in my opinion….can't wait to see Opeth in November 🤘🤘🤘
Amazing drummer
Doesn't even break a sweat! But what the hell is the time signature of this song?! Welcome to the band dude, you had big shoes to fill! Well done!
beefy sound! Delicious and tasteful
Waltteri Is a Top player 🎩 great drummer.
The drum work on Last Will And Testament is fucking visionary. Its very complicated but super tasteful. You can tell he worked really hard to write the perfect drums for each track, thoughtfully crafting every accent perfectly around the arrangement of the music. Nothing is straightforward but it all feels effortless to the listener. This guy is up there with the greats
Masterpiece! The album is great! But, why Paragraph One Drum and Guitar Playthroughs was removed?
I love the transition to just the room mics at the end. (But I'm not a fan of fade-outs. Sorry guys.)
A f machine ! 🐙
Just joo. Jäätävää😊
I'm trying to decide if these were all shot in one day (which would be impressive) or if Walt just has a week worth of King Diamond T-shirts (Also impressive)
If only the last section around 7:00 continued like a typical Opethian outro (see: Deliverance, Harlequin Forest, etc…) for another couple minutes… I love this new album but that's my biggest gripe, that they teased us with this banger of a riff and then faded it out!
Watching the drumming makes me enjoy the song more.
Wow! This is outstanding. Opeth is an old favorite, but Waltteri has brought back an excitement I haven't felt since Lopez and Lindgren departed.
No começo achei que era um piseiro do Gustavo Lima 😂
World class metal musicians have taken the place of Finlands top import – forget ice breakers and Nokia phones, we have Waltteri here, Teemu in Megadeth and more to come I hope! (If tariffs don’t get too high..)
This is definitely one of the drum parts of all time