Check out full As I Lay Dying Asia 2024 Tour Recap on the @asilaydying channel!
Source: As I Lay Dying
As I Lay Dying – Asia 2024 Tour Recap Short // #metal #metalmusic #concert #metalcore #heavymetal
- May 21, 2024
Check out full As I Lay Dying Asia 2024 Tour Recap on the @asilaydying channel!
Source: As I Lay Dying
Bet that was a 💥 saw them 10 years ago crazy badass show..
Please come back someday🔥🔥🔥
As my wife lay dying is my favourite band ever😮
You mean tims new band
Come to Corpus Christi, Texas hmu if you need link in
Baru sadar pas Hammersonic kemarin? kalo ternyata Ryan neff bas vokal Miss may i jadi bas vokal pengganti Josh Gilbert.
Well you're still doing what you love doing. Good for you I guess.
I am from indonesia we love you ❤🤘
galldangit!!! if you didn't come to shitty city's like Portland!!!! Id be there!!!
I fkng missed their stop in LA!! 😭😭😭
Terakhir nonton 2007 di tenis outdor Senayan dan Hammersonic 2013 dan selalu di pusaran mosphit, tapi tahun ini karna tugas di luar kota Jakarta jadi absen.
Malaysia???datang tak??
I am a big fan of AILD since 2001. I am waiting to see you guys in Munich at 29.11.24
Love you guys ❤
Love AILD for years now. Just hit the sub button lol Social Media. Stay strong Tim. F the rest! Keep being you. Love the recent clips of you comes with the territory you own. When life turns your their back on you be the GOAT you know you are! Press on big guy because you are now the powerful constant. If I knew how to play guitar or sing I would join you. Seek Alex Terrible. Love you man!
btw not sure who markets this account but ONE short for Tim? after all he has done for you. Make some more shorts or put on your big boy pants. I can sing all AILD songs and I will fill in for the side singers. I am from Michigan and I love Metal. Call on your fans Tim they wont let you down and sometimes dogs bark too much. Love you man!! Stay Strong!! m/ Hail the Dark Lord !