1. Shiva’s Tears; 0:45 – 2. Blind Suffering; 6:50
3. Doorway To Survive; 11:13 – 4. Hollow Hideaway; 15:08
5. Fornever; 20:23 – 6. The Leading; 25:34
7. Highs Without Lows; 31:38 – 8. Under Lights: 38:22
Source: BirdsElopeWithTheSun
1. Shiva’s Tears; 0:45 – 2. Blind Suffering; 6:50
3. Doorway To Survive; 11:13 – 4. Hollow Hideaway; 15:08
5. Fornever; 20:23 – 6. The Leading; 25:34
7. Highs Without Lows; 31:38 – 8. Under Lights: 38:22
Source: BirdsElopeWithTheSun
This band needs a legitimate lead guitarist.
And satanic symbols , of course..
Absolutely magnificent band and show, except the %&* annoying adverts!!!
The power of german machine
Brainstorm in their prime!
Excelente banda
Thanks for sharing man! 💪
if someone says the word "underrated" i think about these guys….i remembe their shows back in 2004-5, they were fcking awesome, i still love them today and miss their lives, goddamn great metal
Up to 2006 Brainstorm was amazing. Now they are only one band of many. I once loved them but after 2005s Release of Liquid Monster (which has been the last outstanding record of them) I lost track of them cause they changed a bit. Recently they get a bit better again but still no comparison to the old glorious days. This era like 2004s Wacken of them I miss totally. Thanks for sharing.
Solche jungen Bubis 😅
Aber heute in 2021 besser denn je…
their Liveshow is very rare in the i
Young AndyBFrank is super
Ist das schon Lärm oder ist das noch Musik?
tremendo live la repta que los pario a todos lml
Awesome band
Andy brings symphorce back!!!
Impressionante como uma banda com uma discografia tão foda, não tem o reconhecimento que merece. Os caras simplesmente destroem album apos album. Under lights é uma das minhas favoritas deles. Metus Mortis é meu album top 1, não dá. Quem me apresentou a banda foi meu tio, que veio a falecer durante a pandemia de covid.
Love these guys! Great band and wow so good live! Thanks Nathaniel Noah for turning me on to this!
Andy was a beast of an Frontman in His Prime 💪💪💪