Korn 30th Anniversary Concert – Full Show Setlist
0:00 Here to Stay
6:30 Dead Bodies Everywhere
11:24 Got the Life
15:37 A.D.I.D.A.S.
19:24 Coming Undone
23:50 Good God
27:25 Start the Healing
31:00 Somebody Someone
36:28 Blind
42:55 Ball Tongue
47:48 Clown
54:56 Shoots and Ladders / 59:43 Metallica – One
1:01:04 Helmet in the Bush
1:04:31 Twist
1:05:45 It’s On!
1:10:16 Make Me Bad
1:15:50 Y’All Want a Single
1:22:17 Falling Away From Me
1:27:21 Oildale (Leave Me Alone)
1:31:56 Freak on a Leash (with Amy Lee)
Source: Metal & Rock Concerts in 4K
I cant help but notice all the cell phone screens. No one is moving, just filming…I may be old and out of touch,,,, but this makes me sad.
saw Korn on their first album tour for free they opened with Blind and everybody lost their shit, saw them again in 97 on their Life is Peachy tour, mash pits were crazy, and crowd surfing. now in 2024 nobody wants to mash any more cuz they don't want to ruin their phones. I can honestly say I grew up in the craziest fucking time.
Luzier's drums are so epic sounding!
Jonathan Davis is truly one of the best, versatile and most consistent metal vocalist. These guys are legends, can’t believe 30yrs of Korn
I did my time
Man, this is bananas! Fuck yeah! They are like fine wine.
Korn is just like in the good old days wtf
I saw them, they were incredible!
1:31:03 Korn members might be old but they still got it.
Ray Luzier is really overkill for KoRn tbh 😂
Good thing Head came back
NuMetal was crazy back then…
Fucking amazing dude
Just compare Blind to Rock am Ring Blind 2004 and you know why cellphones have ruined rock shows
Wtf is this crowd, jesus..
what a lame ass crowd. California used to be the best crowd and brought it. The mosh pits. Where is the mosh pit here? just an empty space in the crowd. California is trash. Bunch of soft liberals now that are too soft to create a mosh pit. Bands need to seriously stop playing California. What an embarrassment.
Wow they performed so many good songs here. Just missing Alone I break, Thoughtless and Liar, and it would have all my favorites. Nice to hear Good God and Ball Tongue holy shit…
Going to live shows is a thing of the past, I'm not paying money to see an ocean of cell phones.
Because……..it's Korn!! 🫵🏽😉
32.34 I was in the bathroom so pissed 😂
A sea of phones. I went back and watched the Woodstock footage and everyone is dancing and jumping around without any devices, just experiencing the show.
So many phones 😢
Love this band.
Put the phones down. Enjoy the show people.
Where the fuck is the mosh pit? This is KoRn, not my aunt's wedding… Come on
Gen Z have killed live music
I f*cking LOVE KoRn!!!
Wow they did Helmet !! 🥹🤩
Worst crowd ever XC