In this video we unlock a new vault to you by showcasing the 10 best System of a Down Songs. Throughout this video, we’ll be presenting to you different songs and list them to present you the top 10 songs of System of a Down. If you’re looking for some System of a Down songs or songs from System of a Down in general, look no further than our list of 10 best System of a Down songs. Thanks for tuning in, and be sure to let us know in the comments how you like our list of the greatest songs of System of a Down. Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel for more unlocked music vaults featuring the best throwback songs and vibes!
Source: vaults.mp3
These SOAD songs are legendary! 🎸 Which one do you blast on repeat? Tell us! 👇
Racist band ever!
Армяне и здесь всех уделали😂🏆🇦🇲. Ни одна рок группа не сравниться по популярности с ними. Жаль распались.
all soad songs are peak.
No, those are not the best songs. They're only the most listening. I think that Soldier Side, Marmalade or Highway Song are better.
When I was a kid I was listening soad every time with my mom
Prison song not being included is a sin
Metro and Snowblind are outstanding but I couldn't really name a bad song of theirs. In fact that would really be the more challenging thing to do. Name the worst SOAD song.
Prison song?
no spiders ?? and as others have said
deer dance and holy mountains and question
That's actually a shame because War and Know are maybe my 2 favorite SOAD songs
why were they moshing to atwa, its a good song, but not heavy
Чоп сей стоит на будильнике. Потому что ай край.
Radio/ video is my favorite
One of the Great Bands of our life time
What a band
The lack of prison song is upsetting
A band that started out amazing, but the quality went down in later releases, not that it made them any less great.
Holy Mountains, Tentative, Deer Dance, Psycho, Dreaming, and ofc Vicinity of Obscenity
What boutta Sugar?
They're not the best songs, they're just the most famous ones
I f##king love this band
Radio/video is fire
My exact order 👍 ❤🌩
3 and 1 are the only SOAD songs i know
BYOB is my fav of the two
Melhor banda de rock da história pra mim❤
The entire first album
área lo dejaría en 7 y … Violet, radio los sacaría de la lista
Lonely day è la mia preferita!!❤
Saya masih punya pita kaset SOD. Lagu2 mereka tidak ada yang jelek. Cuma satu di dunia.
Prison song deserves more respect
Любимая группа!
Fuck The System deserves to be on this list
This list is illegitimate without Inner vision on it
ATWA is such a good song
ive never listened to soad and this is dogshit
And question!!!!!
Personally, I would have had more from their first CD. Sugar, PLUCK, and soil.
I would have included roulette, IEIAIAO, and chic'n' stew along with atwa.
who rated this list? also marmalade is probably one of their best songs