Official music video for ‘Necrodaemon Terrorsathan 2020’, taken from the same-named album:
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Helmuth states: “During these uncertain global times, we continue to glorify the Pan-demonic Totentanz with the re-recorded title track, NECRODAEMON TERRORSATHAN. It’s a manifestation of Diabolical Death Metal in its purest form. 20 years after the original release, it’s an offering to the horde that supports BELPHEGOR, making it possible for us to still be here, on fire, and stronger than ever before. We hail you!”
Twenty years after its first appearance the third studio album of the European black death metal force comes to new life as remastered version – available as CD and LP.
Helmuth states: “We originally composed this album 1998-1999, recording and releasing in 2000. Our Former guitarist Sigurd [1993-2006] who marched with me around the globe wrote three songs on this monster. Session drums were handled by Manfred “Man” Gandler [Mastic Scum] and bass by Mario Klausner [Pungent Stench, Collapse VII]”
Re-recorded, mixed and mastered in July 2020 in Andy Classen´s Stage One Studio/ Germany. Drums by Florian “Torturer”.
Filming and editing by Martin “Soda”.
Live sequence location: Harvest Moon festival 12th September 2020.
Sukkubus: Marjo Suicide [Suicide Girls model/ Estudio 9].
Mutilated on the cross
Blackness covered the bastard’s flesh
Hear the trumpets of Hell
See the fire through my eyes
Black winged angel – Reborn in chaos
Unholy sins inside my other hell
Praise the lord of disrespect
Let them die of their own curse
Because they don’t feel
Black winged angel – Reborn in chaos
Blutsathan – Herrscher des Stolzes!
Das Teufelsmal – Zeichen der Erhabenheit!
In the purgatory of sin Swear the oath of blood
The black mighty raven
Picks for the eyes of Jesus
Black winged angel – Reborn in chaos
Die Nacht währt Ewig!
Musick / Lyrics by Helmuth November 1998 – August 2020
#belphegor #necrodeamonterrorsathan #belphegorband
Source: Nuclear Blast Records
Dios Les bendiga 🙏🏽 🙌
Cuando belphegor era bueno.
Que asco de música. Ganas de vomitar
I don't see any offensive content 😊
Mi mundo perfecto!!!!😈
Adoradores de satanás… Siempre tan patéticos😂
Sebenarnya tiada Allah yang mengadakan kitab al Quran dan kitab Kristian adalah raja raja melayu dan queen america waktu dah Hulu mereka ingin kamu berada dalam perintah mereka menjadi hamba mereka Tampa kamu tidak mengetahwi…… Mereka inginkan kamu perang sesama kamu.. sedang kan mereka bebas hidup.. I promise
Dan diri kamu hanyut untuk menentang kebenaran…… Kamu tidak jumpa haluwan kamu… Dan kamu melih black metel sebagai agama kamu Dan kamu terus hanyut sedangkan kamu jadi tiada pencipta yang mencipta kamu
Best intro
mulher gostosa
The best part is when she was praying then vomiting the Rosemary.
Hail satan
Could of used another goat, that one looks so confused 😂
I love Jesus ❤
Yes I do
Name a better blacked death metal song than this Masterpiece !!!
Doesn't exist!
I have seen a girl like this xvideos or same tonque 🤘🤘🤘🤘
Mutilated on the cross
Blackness covered the bastard's flesh
Hear the trumpets of Hell
See the fire through my eyes
Black winged angel – Reborn in chaos
Unholy sins inside my other hell
Praise the lord of disrespect
Let them die of their own curse
Because they don't feel
Black winged angel – Reborn in chaos
Blutsathan – Herrscher des Stolzes!
Das Teufelsmal – Zeichen der Erhabenheit!
In the purgatory of sin
Swear the oath of blood
The black mighty raven
Picks for the eyes of Jesus
Black winged angel – Reborn in chaos
Die Nacht währt Ewig!
Holy shit this fucks hard
Thanks god I found this new music
WTF is the point of just growling? If I can’t understand the words, all the songs might as well be the same.
Sound : 1 / 10
Atmosphere : 7 / 10
Goat : 666 / 10
Gore : 4/ 10
The warning in the begin was not necessary
She's gorgeous….WOW!!!!!
how is this graphic its Corney horror movie effects lmao
marjo is really cute
2:43 I had no idea that Leo Messi had appeared in a Belphegor video.
Damn she's gorgeous 😈😈😈😈
Instrumentally i dig this. The blast beats and double bass is nice. Thrash riffs are nice too. The vocals just get boring as hell.
Good music CHRIST JESUS is an anarchist is your savior he is the LORD not the light bearer LUCIFER.
Peace for your friends and your Family a French speaker.
God Save you a friendly thinkings.
Necrodaemon Terrorsathan
Mutilated on the cross
Blackness covered the bastards flesh
Hear the trumpets of hell
See the fire through my eyes
Black winged angel
Reborn in chaos
Necrodaemon terrorsathan
Unholy sins inside my other hell
Praise the lord of disrespect
Let them die in their own curse
Because they don't feel
Black winged angel
Reborn in chaos
Necrodaemon terrorsathan
Blutsathan – Herrscher des Stolzes
Das Teufelsmal – Zeichen der Erhabenheit
In the purgatory of sin
Swear the oath of blood
The black mighty raven
Picks for the eyes of jesus
Black winged angel
Reborn in chaos
Necrodaemon terrorsathan
This one the purest one
Bestial riff power bataka
The devil and his children only attack Jesus because they know he is the true God ☦️
Offensive to who? Oh Them.
My favorite australian band of the 80s was Wolfgang Wasabi And The Prolapse Junkies. Their song Beat His Face With Your Mushroomheadcock was epic.
Côme on a warning for a song let me smile at this
Belphegor is a austrian war metal band