#archspire #reaction #borisT
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Listen the full album on youtube – https://youtu.be/j7GmrH6TZFQ
Buy physical copy at Rockshots Records – https://shop.rockshots.eu/it/cd/1180-tryglav-night-of-whispering-souls.html
Buy Digital Copy – https://smarturl.it/tryglav?fbclid=IwAR0XKOlRMJj1aZ0pRV-q3IdxTWOeTqZo6ikzd0V-W6GvEv9J3Ivo874halw
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fujifilm xs-10
Source: BorisT.
thanks for watching dude! 🙂
The drummer is rad at what he does but most of the fast parts are almost unlistenable to me. 'Gravity' blasts just don't sound as good as fast-ish normal ones. Give me Carcass and Morbid Angel over this any time
Nah with that speed surely it's triple bass
I love metal bro, but I am so sick and tired of every bad ass metal band that has absolutely no singing in every song through the whole album. Way too many metal bands that have zero range in their vocals. I like screaming, just not every song for the whole album. Not to mention I can never understand a single word they’re saying. I think this is why metal bands like Slipknot and Pantera get way more fame and views because they have a front man that can sing and scream. I do think the screaming is what turns a lot of people off to heavy metal. The band here is obviously amazing and super talented, but the vocals are trash in my opinion. Can you imagine how much better this band would be with singing incorporated in their songs?
technical death metal is brutal
I refuse to differentiate black metal from death metal. You people get all caught up in terms. It's fckn stupid. Get over yourselves, and grow up. I'm a drummer, anything that challenges me, is my music. I don't put it into columns, it's just what I do. Call it whatever, it's just the music that makes me be a better musician. Grow up
best reaction hahaha
Why not dig in to Beneath the massacre or Origin too for example
Adam Bjork drum cover – Acrania disillusion in a discordant system
"oh, we're going slower. No we dont."
had me laugh out fucking loud 🤣🤣
They're definitely making me step up my musical IQ.
To hear a Black Metal musician say "What the fuck?! This is EXTREME!!" sums it all up right there.
beardless samus lol
“I could write one hundred thousand songs with those riffs.”
-This Guy
I met the drummer when he was in a band called, “Grimory”. Him and the guitarist use to play in an old apartment that was rented by them and another band. The whole places stunk of oil because of the industrial district it was in.
Boris, your videos are my favorite! I love your commentary and I think you are hilarious. I watch a lot of them over and over and laugh at your reactions. Keep it up! Much love brother!
fast and yet so rhythmic. sweet jam
why all metalhead loves gory? hahahaha funny reaction btw
oh no, the AUM got to the band D:
this is horrible!
oh! We going slower 😊👍
no, we don't 😐
When European barbarians met North American barbarians.
I love this band.
Archspire is a super group
I really related to the part where you made faces and said "what the fuck?" That was my reaction at first too!
"what is he saying, i dont understand, but it sounds good" 😂😂
I like when a black metal guy says „I can’t understand what he’s singing” xd 🤘
3:20 – that's why Archspire is one of the few super technical metal bands I listen to, it's so fast and so extreme BUT you can groove to it, it's propulsive rather than dragging and it sounds human
Dude..thanks to you, discovered this band… it's amazing… I like the speed and drums… amazing
4:53 I thought it was only me realize that guy look like Ola Englund 😂
Would you react "Spite – Made to please"?
What song is playing in your outro?
Thanks for showing me this insane song , ive watches this video like 10 times already today ha
I had the pleasure of meeting those guys. Wicked cool and extremely talented! He hits the 320-350 with ease! Oliver the singer is a really funny guy. Just found your channel good stuff I like it
1:01 the classic O face whenever someone hears Archspire for the first time 🤘🏼🤘🏼
He said too many notes for my black metal brain.. lmfao black metal sucks balls
Dude, I'd love to see your reaction to Golden Mouth of Ruin from this album, imo it's the real gem of the album
following you on spotify
You should check out Vitriol’s He Will fight savagely video. That’s a wicked band and video
Cassio do Corinthians
Spastic, Lame, and Weak.
Correct! 1 Archspire song contains enough material to write 30 black metal albums!
🇨🇦 🙂
Had the same feeling at first time, ''is he human''😂
4:21 Stank face 😂🤘 That's how you know it's good
The best part about Archspire: they sound like this live. AMAZING