
British Black Metal: The Extreme Underground | Full Documentary

British Black Metal: The Extreme Underground | Full Documentary

Tourmaline Films dive into the depths of #UKBlackMetal, covering topics such as WW2, English heritage, spirituality, the Victorian era and natural surroundings among various other topics.

0:00 Introduction
1:04 The History & Personality of UK Black Metal
3:52 About Eastern Front
6:02 What is Black Metal?
8:53 About Winterfylleth
11:23 Environmental Influence
15:02 About Old Corpse Road
18:19 Live Shows
21:32 Corpse Paint & Visual Appearance
23:30 About Fen
26:35 Progression & Experimentation
29:52 About A Forest of Stars
33:41 British Music & Culture
35:01 Politics & Heritage

The bands covered include Winterfylleth, A Forest of Stars, Old Corpse Road, Fen, Eastern Front, Ethereal and many more.

©2016 Tourmaline Films. All rights reserved. A film by Andy Horry.

If you enjoyed the film you might also want to check out this video about Andy (The creator of the doc) and his journey into spirituality after speaking with these bands.

How Black Metal Opened the Door to Spirituality

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LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/34759124

#BlackMetalDocumentary #BritishMusic

Source: Tourmaline Films

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  1. 8 years ago

    I understand if some of these bands are not your cup of tea (British pun intented) but saying they aren't trve black metal is kinda stupid. For me black metal and metal music in general is about freedom of expression. If there are some predetermined rules on how your music should sound then you're not as trve as you think you are.

  2. 2 years ago

    Infernal sea looks so stupid lmaooo

  3. 2 years ago

    British documentary about black metal. I'm halfway through and nobody has even mentioned Cradle of Filth yet. WTF?

  4. 2 years ago

    22:22 interesting how a British dude tells how something that has been invented way berfore by way better BM musicians and underminning what thet do. That's it- I'm not even finishing this…. Long live the TRUE BLACK METAL.

  5. 1 year ago

    Sounded like Marduk intro!!??? Bombs etc,?!?!? Still, good tunes!

  6. Loved seeing the guy wearing a Primordial shirt

  7. 1 year ago

    it would be better if they don't explain themselves that much

  8. 1 year ago

    Superb documentation. Well in

  9. 1 year ago

    5:07 is fucking hilarious, the way that guy just congratulated himself on research and making sure no one social media out of all places, gets to say you did something wrong.
    Lonely boys.

  10. 1 year ago

    Real British black metal comes from Cumbria and is on Wulfhere Productions. Fen and Winterfylleth are not black metal. They look like accountants. Their music is shoegaze.

  11. 11 months ago

    who's the band at the opening of the video? i love their energy

  12. 10 months ago

    👿🔱😈..nobody riding around on a damn scooter can be labled as extreme.. I want to see the guy with a black metal get up on with the leather and spikes on zooming by 20 mph on a scooter… Im hard core mate 😂😂😂

  13. 9 months ago

    I am 66 , I grew up in the 60s , 70s .
    You Really Got Me by the Kinks was considered a " hard rock " song at the time , and it was . Heiter Skelter by the Beatles was considered a precursor to heavy metal at the time and it was pretty heavy .
    I guess I'm saying that I grew up seeing the development of this genre of music .
    I totally love this style of music.
    The thrash of Metallica , the heavy melody of Iron Maiden through to Cradle of Filth and the almost meditative yet deep heaviness of SunOOO .
    This style of music covers the globe .
    Like rap one can find metal communities in Japan , India , Malaysia , even underground communities in Middle Eastern countries . Some countries make it dangerous to the point of imprisonment to be associated with metal music .
    If you search YouTube or the internet it can be such an eye opener to see how far metal music has spread around the world , and into places where you would not believe it would take root and grow.
    I love all genres of metal from punk to black metal and all points in between so good on you for bringing this documentary to me .❤😂
    Greetings from Western Australia

  14. 9 months ago

    Just watched an Old Corpse Road video ❤😂
    They are now in my top ten bands.
    Totally love the dynamic and performance.
    I will now go look for a vinyl copy of their record ❤😂
    Thank you
    Greetings from Western Australia

  15. 8 months ago

    Whats the song in the intro?

  16. 8 months ago

    Nothing extreme oder underground here . Clickbate title

  17. 8 months ago

    its addictively awful… so bad i can't stop watching. 🤔

  18. 7 months ago

    I rather do Nordic black metal just because. Nordic seems more into it.

  19. 7 months ago

    The emo goths of metal

  20. 6 months ago

    most stuff is cr*p these days and not even related to Black metal…listen to first and second wave of BM

  21. 5 months ago

    Is it fair to say that Winterfylleth is Black Metal‘s Coldplay? 🤔😄

  22. 4 months ago

    2:10 The dude holding a sword.🤣🤣

  23. 4 months ago

    Hatred for 80 percent ov these plebs on planet earth is wot black metals all about. Misanthropic musick. I don't have any friends nor should u that trve cvlt f.t.w. hail satan

  24. 3 months ago

    Damn, I can't believe that i missed this doc
    This is awesome! I myself was looking for new bands, especially from the uk, cause like usually people think about cradle or venom, but I was curious to find more bm british bands
    It's really great to hear the musicians actually speak their mind, loved it
    Thank you 🤘🏻

  25. 3 months ago

    Great documentary, loved hearing from bands in our great UK scene, some I've never heard of so can check out. Wasn't expecting to see where I live in the A Forest of Stars section.

  26. 2 months ago


  27. 2 months ago

    So as usually in (black)metal, the essence of the whole documentary became again what is trve and what is not trve cvlt.

  28. 4 weeks ago

    I’ve really been enjoying Winterfylleth and Wodensthrone lately. I will dig in to the other bands in this excellent documentary. Thanks for making and sharing! 🤘🏽🔥🤘🏽

  29. 3 weeks ago

    What’s this? English tracksuit core? Where’s the blood, fire and death?

  30. 2 weeks ago

    Great Britain as a whole as well as the Isles has a militant pagan/heathen underground. Hails to: Ruadh, Aonarach, Dwarrowdelf, Gaoth, and hails Northern Silence Productions!!!

  31. 5 days ago

    Amo el Black pero es un campo de nabos.

  32. 2 days ago

    diese themen in musik verpackt, verstehen leider wenige… klasse band!!!!
