
Celestial Sanctuary – Visions of Stagnant Blood Review

Celestial Sanctuary – Visions of Stagnant Blood Review

The myriad of Metal music gets more and more interesting as I keep knowing more and more bands. This Celestial Sanctuary “Visions of Stagnant Blood” has proved me this. It was no news to me Death Metal could be as slow and cadenced as Doom Metal, but that it could be as groovy as Groove Metal I would not know. In fact, “Visions of Stagnant Blood” is a mix of both always keeping the harsh gutural vocals and this time a little more gutural than the average. Suddenly, I saw myself trapped into a complex net of licks and riffs that disturbs the more conventional Metal music fan.

My dear children of the night might expect an album that goes off the charts as “Visions of Stagnant Blood” is full musical breaks, that is, or the guitars sound to be stopping at any time or they sound as if they were suddenly breaking. This sensation is something like Pantera loved to do with their most known songs, it is not full of rhythm as it could also be. Modern Sepultura is also a great reference, because Andreas Kisser’s guitars have the same intent. Also, the interesting part is that the guitars lead the way with their riffing, the rhythm section of bass and drumming are totally standard. Well, the bass not that much. Even tracks which at first may be expected as more conventional as grand finale “Gavage of the Vile” hide melodic surprises in terms of songwriting. After hearing the three initial tracks of the album, the fan might have the impression the following track will follow the same formula, but it does not. The long track hides innumerous shifts in tempo, cadence, and rhythm. The fan has to listen to it until the end not to be surprised. No, “Visions of Stagnant Blood” is everything except conventional.

I’ll admit that album tittle track “Visions of Stagnant Blood” did not surprise me at first with its uptempo drumming and gutural vocals, but the drumming and the guitars little by little gave me some new feelings. The feeling kept the same with the initial moments of “Puddles of you Reflect Filfth Within,” however, past the initial guitar riffing the track took a detour to Doom Groove Metalville. This track changed everything I was thinking about the album. Its extremely catchy guitar riffs did a big difference. Now I could see how the guitar leads do remind a lot Sepultura’s Andreas Kisser. It’s interesing how the song evolves in a very natural and organic way with guitar licks and riffs that sound to be pretty natural with an insane mesmerizing feeling. Then comes “Choking on the Rotten Seed” with guitars that can labeled as also outstanding. It also introduces a vocal duet that I can admit as disturbing.

Yes, “Visions of Stagnant Blood” is a disturbingly surprising album.

Celestial Sanctuary “Visions of Stagnant Blood” will be released on April 04th via Metal Blade Records.

Track Listing:

1. Visions of Stagnant Blood

2. Puddles of you Reflect Filfth Within

3. Choking on the Rotten Seed

4. Gavage of the Vile

Watch “Visions of Stagnant Blood” official music video here:

Source: metaladdicts.com

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