Coroner – Live in East Berlin 1990 (Full Concert) HD. Taken from the Autopsy – Years Through Pictures Blu-Ray
Coroner [1990] “No More Color Tour ’90” All rights belong to their respective owners! For promotional purposes only!
01. Shadows Of A Lost Dream 1:00
02. Die By My Hand 5:23
03. No Need To Be Human 9:35
04. Read My Scars 13:51
05. Voyage To Eternity 18:15
06. Absorbed 21:58
07. Masked Jackal 26:01
08. D.O.A. 30:34
09. Sudden Fall 35:10
10. Reborn Through Hate 39:54
11. Purple Haze 46:23
12. Last Entertainment 49:16
Source: Luvenhart
( Leave your comment in English )
Started listening this band recently . Great Metal Band indeed tbh !
The music belongs to what Genre ?
One of the most underrated bands of all! Thank you so much for the footage ❤️
Absolutely priceless!!
Прекрасный трэш – металл .
Sabbat, Coroner, Kreator, Tanкard…Столпы трэша на фестивале, на руинах Берлинской стены! Мега круто!
CORONER and Atheist really gelled the technical thrash/death sound with some tiny prog tossed in! I still have my high school yearbook photos with my Corner Punishment for Decadence shirt on and a hella scoul on my face lol. I believe it was 9th or 10th grade or so lol.
37:20 – превосходно!
Where would live metal recordings be without this one.
Maybe the most underrated band ever, they deserved to be huge back in the day their discography is flawless
Holy shit great sound thank you..!
What a recording! Visuals are clear and the sound so clean across the boards!
what is the name of this guitar hero he plays too well and has a unique tone
La calidad a estos tipos se les cae de los bolsillos. Enorme presentación de una enorme banda injustamente infravalorada.
Best concert ever.
I love how clear the bass comes through when Tommy is soloing. As much as I adore the production of their studio material, I wish one of their studio releases could've sounded like this.
Absolutely brilliant band. There isn’t a 4 or 5 piece group that can hold a candle to Coroner.
Grandissimi Musicisti!!
Masterpiece! 666
first solo is so good and they start filming the guitarist when the solo is finished…I just dont get it…we want to se the shredding!! what a great concert!!
Какой-то фантастический гитарист
I developed a 3 finger technique for bass on my own. Everyone thought it was weird. Then again I skated goofy. Point is, I saw Ron play and knew i was actually doing the right thing. Usually, when someone has already taken your idea, its a problem
butI was relieved to see Ron do it with success because I was not sure of what I was doing and thought the way I was playing the bass was incorrect. Ron definitely inspired me to use 3 fingers and articulate as best I could. I used this flavor somewhat successfully in a stoner metal band from Virginia in early 2010s called "Levee" throwing Ron-esque licks in the pot with the Geezer fare. I always appreciated the classical flavor of Coroner's licks and it makes me nostalgic for playing Bach chorales on brass horns in American high school. Damn what a great band.В 90-тих під час ,,касетного буму,, випадково почув їх ,,divine steps,,. І все, на сьогодні для мене це один із самих крутих треш гуртів, але на жаль недооцінених і недорозкоучених. Круті дядьки!!!
Wir waren dort. Es war unglaublich. Eine der ersten wirklich coolen Bands die in OstBerlin gespielt haben. Wir hatten in der DDR eine unglaublich tolle Metal Szene und durften bis zur Öffnung der Grenze nie eine dieser Bands wirklich sehen. Aber wir haben sie alle gehört. Seht euch die Fans an. Alle Bandmitglieder von Coroner waren unglaublich nett. Ich erinnere mich dunkel, dass wir, ein paar MetalFreunde und die Bandmitglieder durch Berlin liefen. Vermisse alle.
I was very late to Coroner in 2002 but I immediately got into them. They're way up there in terms of musicianship and creativity. At least for me. This footage is proof as to how badass they are. Thanks for this upload. Priceless.
i love communism
I would love to know which venue they play here
Жаль что вы до России не доехали
Well I knw Coroner is way better than Metallica’s and Justice for all &the black album 💯%
great players but i can see how this band never had any success. they're just a bunch of boring ugly dudes with no stage presence or character at all. It doesn't help that almost all of their music before mental vortex had no hooks, its very cold and calculated sounding. hard to market that to a wider audience but oh well at least it exists for us nerds to enjoy
Great, thanks.
47:47 pura destruição!
The best bands got always a Tom
these guys is the genius musical,very technic.
Trio th-rush
Read my scars might be the best metal song ever
They needed a second guitar player and a better singer and they could have been much more successful
Thanks for share!
masterclass of thrash metal 🤘
Arguably the most underrated band ever. Thanks for sharing!
Incredible concert🤘
The guitarist's shirt, "Batman Sucks." 🤣🤣. Thanks for uploading
Ron Broder is so underrated.. Great bass player…
The funny story is that Ron comments that the bass he had at that time was bad. How about having a good one? Personally I love that bass and its sound.
Talento puro
I'm mad at myself for not listening to this earlier. Awesome concert
No more color was my introduction to extreme metal back in 1990. Still one of my favs, next to Mental Vortex.
ce soir vous etes particulièrement calmes et respectueux