
“I Love The ANATHEMA Guys Very Much And Miss Them”

“I Love The ANATHEMA Guys Very Much And Miss Them”

Daniel Cavanagh’s new band Weather Systems is essentially born out of the ashes of his beloved previous band Anathema. Throughout their career spanning the decades, Anathema grew a community of dedicated fans as their sound evolved. Although their reach grew with each subsequent album, when the pandemic hit in 2020, the stress of various factors proved too much and the band broke up, even though Daniel had already been writing material for their next album.

As part of his process of grieving the loss of his band, for which he was the primary songwriter, Daniel got back to working on that material and ultimately put a new band together to realize it more fully, including Anathema drummer Daniel Cardoso.

In this brand new interview, conducted days after the release of the Weather Systems debut album (check our review here), Bravewords correspondent Scott Medina talked at length with Daniel about the new material, his process over the past four years, his relations with other members of Anathema, and where Weather Systems will be going from here.

Watch or listen to their conversation below, and remember that for more interviews and other daily content, follow us on Facebook, and Flipboard, or subscribe to our YouTube channel to be notified about new content we publish daily.

Source: bravewords.com

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