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Jettblack – Raining Rock – Official Video | MetalHammerTV
The brand new video from Jettblack, Raining Rock!
“In a baron and not too distant future, Simon Cowell has been assassinated,” explain the band of the video’s concept. “Killed with a radioactive dart by Lord Zoltan who now rules the airwaves, slaughtering bands that don’t meet his impeccable music tastes… Now it’s Jettblack’s turn to enter Death Frequency and play for their lives. Will Lord Zolton spare them, or have these UK rockers annihilated by his blood thirsty firing squad?”
As you do. Taken from the album ‘Raining Rock’, out
‘Raining Rock’ Single –
‘Raining Rock’ Album Pre-Order –
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Source: Metal Hammer
I feel this way sometimes at FOH There is some shitty bands out there………
hell yeah old school hard rock
I love it
As a old head, I have to admire Jett Black as a guy who actually pulled off a true change of life late in life if I am to believe Wikipedia. I was searching for the Jett Black in a 1963 movie and came up with this.
Copia de AC/DC its a long way to the top
MARAVILLOSA ESTA HUEA! go check their new video. its sick
Airborne + Steel Panther = Jettblack lol!!!!
So rad
So the little midget man is so biased that only metal bands get to live? There are a lot of good artists of different genres. Except country. shivers I hate country music. I would probably be killed cause I suck at metal guitar, I play more punk type stuff. If this was reality, that would suck. XD
And then he goes on to call her a "stupid bitch". Nice.
hmmm something between manowar and bon jovi.The cheese gauge just exploded
exactamente como me gusta
Love the song. But why always this cheap objectifying of women? (Yes,yes, I know no-one forced them to be in the video) it's just a boring video because of all the ass / faux lesbian shots. Why not shoot something creative instead of dull stereotypes ..
Came for the titty, but the music's real good!
puss faced posers
Excellent kind of music!
Atleast 75% of you clicked on this vid because of the chick with pasties
If they ever remake "Spinal Tap" they need to hire these guys.
like si hablas español👍
2:38 is what everybody looking for, your welcome
Did White Lion make a comeback?
Rock n roll com testosterona, energia e tesao!!!!!
headshot! good song. loved the ending. LOL
This band gives me a Quiet Riot vibe
Our band was inspired by glam metal and sleaze artists. Please subscribe to our channel, watch the video, and feel free to leave any comments. You guyZ are the great!
Hilarious. Great video
I love the first 40 seconds of this video, excellent representation of all that crap that they try to put through "music" these days.
It does not seem so because the media ignore them but the real musicians, those people who do have talent are still out there making good music like this.
Shame these guys hung it up, they had 2 absolutely stellar albums (and 1 album where they tried a more commercial sound, it was ok) and I thought they were the best hard rock band I had heard in like a decade. So many rippin' songs with great solos littered throughout. This song isn't even one of their best. Try "Side of the Road", "Temptation", "Something About this Girl", "Less Torque, More Thrust", "When it Comes to Lovin'", "Not Even Love", "Holding" and "Weapon".
still gold
When it's pouring outside
Came for the girls…lol CAME
Death to All but Metal!
And fuck rap trap and the rest
Can't believe it's been 10yrs since I first watched this! Still brilliant. Haven't followed them recently. "Get Your Hands Dirty" was pretty hard to top – Love that album.
The singer makes me think of the Scorpions.
Is it just me or was anyone else waiting for the awesome Jack Black to leap on the screen mid chorus and slam out the vox or what!!?? Damn this perfect for him. 😂
🎵🎶🎵 two hot girls coming out of the sunlight 🎵🎵 😂
Miss you guys. Loves your gigs in the Diamond and in Belfast