@ 2009
Drums: Lars Broddesson
Guitar: Morgan Steinmeyer Håkansson
Bass: Magnus “Devo” Andersson
Vocals: Daniel “Mortuus” Rostèn
#Marduk #BlackMetal #Mortuus #MorganHåkansson #MagnusAndersson #LarsBroddesson
Kawenros que barbaridad !!!!!
Dislike mortuus a lot in comparison with Legion
Mortuus's voice and stage presence make this song even more badass and that was already difficult. For me he's unbeatable when it comes to frontmen specially during this era.
1:58 Morgan fails
Nice Totemkopf
This should be the super bowl halftime show
WHeReS LeGION???! me donT LikE THIS nEw SIngER It's been 19 years, get over with it.
that growl, man
– What cymbal brand do you play?
– yes!
Dude, that “final boss” song listed on Apple Music as a Marduk song is really making me angry. They’ve defiled the bands name with that crap! 😡😡😡
Only blackmetal and trashmetal have no different sound between live concert and studio recording.
What a racket
This particular version still has to be my favourite. Love the panzer album but this rapid death throw intensity and clearer track title scream are just so fucking brutal and clean without losing that filthy black sound i like. Just excellent performance
Se agradecen videos así, es decir, que la camara enfoque a cada Demonio del escenario!!!…
The bass lines of marduk are amazing
Best gig ever!
Very good.
I’m sure that drummer needed a good ice bath after this gig. Wow that’s fast!
Mega 🤘🔥⛪🔥🤘
666th & 2K subs in same time 🤘😈🤘
Black metal hail vlw banda
That riff is called FU riff
Lars Broddesson on drums m/
Hay tiempo pa más marduk
People are not mature (they do musical tastes with much fanatism than any existing religion)
I love the snare countdown before the song begins.. any other drummer that does that?
Sin duda Mortuus, es el mejor 🤘🤘🤘
I liked the part were they were Gorgoroth
Tomorrow in Dublin.☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠
Potencia, garra, ira, ferocidad!!!! Todo esto sumado a la bestialidad de la música!!
Špičková kapela legenda,, súper
All very beautiful
So brutal. Absolute masterpiece
Ik there's a lot of controversy around this band or whatever but they kick so much ass idc
The bass sounds amazing!
Ой… Бальзам на сердце…Это не музыка,это состояние Души…
Fucking blistering performance as always be these guys 🤘🔥🎸🖤
As a drummer watching this I can not imagine someone can play that…
Saw them in San Salvador!! I made the trip from Los Angeles to the motherland just for Marduk. What was awesome is that the opening bands were local!!! 🇸🇻🇸🇻🇸🇻 Please tour the States soon!!!
2:33 Merece um cigarro…
Ufip cymbals!! Wow couldn't imagine they could get so far from my nation!!!
Pobrecitos mortales
Literally the perfect sound and pitch for a live set, bass guitar audible, fuckin' hypersonic percussion tempo, insanely talented musicians and vocalist…