“The Palace Of Auburn Hills”
Auburn Hills, MI (USA)
December 5, 1990
Visit us at: http://www.facebook.com/megadethized 😉
Source: MegadethizeD
“The Palace Of Auburn Hills”
Auburn Hills, MI (USA)
December 5, 1990
Visit us at: http://www.facebook.com/megadethized 😉
Source: MegadethizeD
Think it was the dio tour I was there totally bad ass show
Although he didn't know it yet, dave mustaine had written one of the greatest thrash metal albums of all time with rust in peace…
Before Friedman got all Japanese obsessed.
Killer band and the best lineup! R.I.P Nick Menza.
00:21 Wake up Dead
03:47 Hook in Mouth
08:33 Hangar 18
12:12 The Conjuring
17:12 In My Darkest Hour
23:05 Take no Prisoners
26:32 Holy Wars …The Punishment Due
32:43 Peace Sells …But Who's Buying?
38:48 Anarchy in the UK
megadeth at their best !!! A beast band
Geez Nick was going off.
This is why Megadeth will always be better MUSIC than metallica. Metallica is a better product for marketing, Megadeth is a better MUSIC for …HEADBANGING and real thrash fans. This is S Tier Megadeth
That galloping riff for the verses in Darkest hour while Dave sings and plays is just fucking godly, Nick was such a beast , Fuck a click track lol
Prime Megadeth
Dave going full Barry Gibb with a bullet belt is violence
tf with hangar 18 recording?
Marty fucking friedman
00:21 Wake up Dead
03:47 Hook in Mouth
08:33 Hangar 18
12:12 The Conjuring
17:12 In My Darkest Hour
23:05 Take no Prisoners
26:32 Holy Wars
28:51 …The Punishment Due
32:43 Peace Sells …But Who's Buying?
38:48 Anarchy in the UK
thanks Danio5150, but i have to add the breaklines
La música si good, pero la voz no me gusta si tuviera una voz fuerte, con coraje fuera diferente
The big 4
What’s the second song they played? I dig it
Damn, this is raw as fuck, very glad this is here for people like me to stumble across
Nick was such a massive improvement over chuck, what a drummer!
26:33 lol
Love it and thanks for posting.
Crazy that it looks sped up but it's real time speed metal. Love it.
In Dave's words: "Tighter than the proverbials fish's asshole"
James couldnt make a pimple on this mans ass, and Hetfield knew it, so Dave had to go
Megadeth was on fire here
Cameraman must be a metallica fan…
Snare sound sucks.
Incredible lineup, absolutely on fire here.
Megadeth have had so many good line-ups. But this was Megadeth at its best right here. This is when Megadeth were contenders as the best thrash band. Like Daves singing or not but watching him play and sing together is astonishing. And to this day there are few that can sing and play the complicated riffs and leads he does and make it look easy.
that "god damn" was everything
0:22 Wake up dead
3:49 Hook in mouth
8:32 Hangar 18
12:12 The conjuring
17:12 In my darkest hour
23:05 Take no prisoners
26:35 Holy wars…. The punishment due
32:44 Peace sells
38:44 Anarchy in the UK
Megadeth right at their absolute peak.
Went to the show 10 days later at Nassau coliseum, NY. 12/15/90. Megadeath went on between Judas Priest and Testament. Megadeath stole the show imo. They were absolutely incredible and all these years later I still can remember that particular show clearly. Marty and Dave were a force and brought the crowd to a frenzy for JP.
Forever in memory these 4 great musicians who gave us a part of their soul through music…they will always live in our minds and hearts…Dave Mustaine,Dave Ellefson,Marty Friedman and Nick Menza…
Awesome!!! Thanks for uploading this. Brill.
Best video on YouTube mustaine and marty are gods.!!! R. I. P nick menza.
Have a jam with dimebag.
1:59 Those who put the shots are idiots
All hail Mega Dave.
I Was 16 years old and there
Wake Up Dead sounds so cool with Dave’s vocals in this performance. Man sounds like a demon
The best lineup ever.
This is peak Dave 🤘
38:02 "See that blonde?" LOL
Irony is…i saw them on this tour and they were superb. However, they sound better in my phone speakers on YT than they did through a PA.
The into music was awesome.