Video Metallica – Cunning Stunts Live in Texas 1997 [Full Concert] March 2, 2011 Search Search for: ampgroove.comJoin Our Community By pressing the Sign up button, you confirm that you have read and are agreeing to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use Leave this field empty if you're human: have a good time ! =) Source: D Read Also: Video System Of A Down – Chop Suey! (Official HD Video) Video Suffocation @ Hell & Heaven Metal Fest 2016 (Full Concert) News Watch: BIOHAZARD Joined By ONYX For 'Slam' Performance In Dublin Video Godsmack Changes (Full Concert HD) News GENE SIMMONS – “As Soon As You Start To Bend Over For... Reviews DREAM THEATER – Parasomnia Reviews DARK FORTRESS – Anthems From Beyond The Grave – Live In Europe... Post Activity 1028 Share this post 0% Back to Top
El mismo Año que que ice la puta mili con daños físicos y sitico en un campo de concentración Lérida Raimat
I was there!! Musta head enter sandman 10 times ina row!!
Y pasan los años y está intacto el buen gusto
I was at this show man that was a fuckin party best show I’ve ever seen hands down🤘🏻🤘🏻👹🤘🏻👹🤘🏻👹🤘🏻
Cox opened it up they were bad ass too🤘🏻👹🤘🏻👹
ok, Lars perform superb on this live
Dzieki Metallica za to ze byliscie jestescie i bedziecie,dzieki za nothi.. Sanitarium za caly black album,thanks for all,and justice for all,i love you,and my son will be love you to,thanks for all METALLICA forevet
Lars "Here have some of that" 0:35
J'avais découvert ce live dans l'intégrale de MCM il y a plus de 20 ans! quel plaisir de le revoir! merci
I had this DVD growing up and would watch it all the time, legendary performance that probably inspired me to start playing music.
Metallica – WorldWired North America Tour – The Concert (2017) [1080p] (Playlist contains over 1000 Metallica Concerts)–W6kKQG5eQwCqM23RSA8ITo1k&index=772&t=2
When james was a beast on stage
And the original metallica ruled the world
still gives me goosebump even in 2022 May
A 1h38 Kirk throw his guitare in the crowd with the jack all, all; all
I had it on CD when I was in Dubai. 😁
dude the improv kirk did to the fade to black ending solo!!!!
that arpeggio melody he does at the end… its how i have played the song since.
El. Mejor conciertode metallica gran performans Enel escenario simplemente chingon🤘😈
I wake up in the morning ,and watch this on february 2023
Am i evil so amaizing 👍👍👍
I remember watching this as a sophomore in high school I thank the Lord that I have been born again, and I am a new man in the Lord Jesus Christ
I still remember watching full-length DVD with friends, good times
DVD когда-то был у меня этого концерта, на нём было несколько песен со значком камеры, на пульте от DVD можно было выбирать из нескольких камер которые снимали концерт под разными ракурсами!
Я раскусил всю систему.ЕСЛИ Б ОНИ не были без крыши, то им всем бы пальцы и руки переломали ,а так как они платят ,то они здравствуют. И это так.
Брат я фан Металлики, но я всё понял.У них есть главный. И если Джэймс завыёбуется,то им всем все кости переломали.А это
—, что–крах МЕТАЛЛИКИ.ВОТ и думай.Remember that day when i was obsest with metallica (and still) i bought VHS in shop, it was in Siberia 1998 or 1999. i was 10 years old. And after buing i came home and watching every day, while my classmates were watching cartoons i watched Metallica. That was concerte with Symphony orchestra and i think this is the greatest concerte on Planet Earth ever. THanks Metallica for my childhood and for the man i have become. Peace.
To see Jason playing drum is so epic: 1:42:05 1:42:13 1:42:26 1:42:37 1:42:41 Tis make me think that Jason need to comeback Metallica again, i miss his euphory in the stages. 👌🤘🖤