
Parkway Drive – “Vice Grip”

Parkway Drive – “Vice Grip”

Listen to the full album: http://bit.ly/1V0NDNM
“Vice Grip” by Parkway Drive from the album ‘IRE,’ out now!
Produced by George Hadjichristou

Order on iTunes: http://found.ee/ParkwayDriveIre
Order CD and vinyl: http://found.ee/ParkwayDriveIreBundles

Directed by Frankie Nasso

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/parkwaydrive
Instagram: http://instagram.com/parkwaydriveofficial


A system of complete control. The pressure builds
It wraps its hands around your throat. A constant battle
A silent war of mind and soul

Get up, get up. One life, one shot, give it all you got
Get up, get up

Keep the flame alive

Hope for the hopeless. A light in the darkness
Hope for the hopeless. A light in, a light in the dark

The chains set to break your soul. Day by day
You know the choice you have to make
Freeze up and fade
Or be the flame that lights the way

Get up, get up. One life, one shot, give it all you got
Get up, get up

Keep the flame alive

Hope for the hopeless. A light in the darkness
Hope for the hopeless. You’ve got one life, one shot
Give it all you got

Ill’s got a vice grip, like ice running down your spine
This world, it’s got you in its sights

Rise, rise. It’s all or nothing
Rise, rise. It’s do or die. Rise

Get up, get up. One life, one shot, give it all you got
Get up, get up

Keep the flame alive

Hope for the hopeless, A light in the darkness
Hope for the hopeless, A light in the dark
We stand for the faithless and the broken
Hope for the hopeless. A light in, a light in the dark

Source: Epitaph Records

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  1. 2 months ago


  2. 2 months ago


  3. 2 months ago

    2025 bitches

  4. 2 months ago

    Still jamming this song in 2025!!!! Who else, is now?

  5. 2 months ago

    Who's here 2025💪

  6. 2 months ago

    Who's here 2025💪

  7. 2 months ago

    2025 anyone here guys?

  8. 2 months ago

    2025 Anyone Here.??🤟😉

  9. 2 months ago

    Wow, this music has helped me so much in my life to not give up. It's really amazing. Every time I listen to it, I get so much energy. Thanks, guys! Thanks, Winston!🙏🏼🥲❤️🇮🇷

  10. 1 month ago

    Perfect song.

  11. 1 month ago

    Rice rice!!! Rice rice!!!!!

  12. 1 month ago

    #PARKWAY DRIVE 👍🤟💪🤘🫵💯🎸

  13. 1 month ago

    I found this song through a wrestling team called Edge Of Hope now I play it everywhere

  14. 1 month ago

    2025 still rocken this.

  15. 1 month ago

    2025 here??

  16. 1 month ago

    It's just never loud enough 😂

  17. 1 month ago

    2025 🎸 🤘

  18. 1 month ago

    Wht a mind blowing composition! 💎

    Respect! 🙌🏻🙏🏻

  19. 1 month ago

    This song keeps me alive.

  20. 1 month ago

    Still my favorite band ever I LOVE PARKWAY DRIVE !!!!!!!!!

  21. 1 month ago

    2025 🙌

  22. 1 month ago

    His lows are insane

  23. Bubble boy. Ok buddy. 😉

  24. Did someone say air plan? 🫠

  25. Id get the dial option respirators. Vapors and particilates im just saying if i had an option. That would be the choice idmake.

  26. Its like buying a fire alarm ypu can have a choice now to detect carbon monoxide or all types of harmful atmospheric stuffs. Why wouldnt you buy an alarm thats multi functional. Like i want a force field suit that says intruder alert. Literally.

  27. 4 weeks ago

    Who's with me in 2025?

  28. 4 weeks ago

    (Share with Everyone)



    Allah ﷻ:
    "O Ruqhoyya, write My message. Can you prepare yourselves before this era ends after the arrival of Isa ibn Maryam (عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ), O children of Adam (عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ)… Look! Since the time of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) until now, the time has reached the limit of the age. Can you prepare 'faith' for the Day of Judgment? There is My Guidance—can you have faith in Me, Allah (ﷻ), Lord of the Universe, all praise belongs to Me…?

    How many decades, how many hundreds, even thousands of years will you remain in your delusions? Suppose I (Allah ﷻ) call you now for 100 years ahead—can you set it within yourselves, from this moment, that I (Allah ﷻ) have determined that the Day of Judgment will come in hundreds of years and that you should begin preparing now, continuing with faith in Me and in the Day that I (Allah ﷻ) will establish—the End Times? No!!

    You will not be able to do it. Instead, you will grow deaf, mute, and blind. Even in the coming decades, you will become servants of 'Hubbud Dunya' (love of the world), unjust, and doomed by the chaos of the End Times. Proud, engaging in relationships like the people of Lot (Lut), boasting like Pharaoh, and altering My creation. You will not be able to educate your descendants because you yourselves are in the same condition.

    Then will come those who bring destruction, killing an entire nation, while other nations will be unable to help because if they stood together under Laa Ilaaha Illallah, they would lead themselves, gathering to defend the truth. They would not let other Muslims suffer, be imprisoned, and be destroyed.

    Even for the charity of a single packet of salt, you are deaf, mute, and blind—so how will you prepare for sudden death? Regret will be of no use. I (Allah ﷻ) hasten My help for My Muslims in Palestine. Do you think it is not I (Allah ﷻ) who makes it happen, though the hypocrites will never fulfill their promises? I (Allah ﷻ) have ignited a blazing fire in one land, yet you only marvel at the fire itself and not at Me, Allah (ﷻ), who created the blazing fire.

    You are all the same—blind, deaf, and mute. You are stingy and miserly. You are unjust to the Muslims in Palestine. Do you feel safe in your peaceful lands? No! When I (Allah ﷻ) command you to give charity together—even with just a packet of salt—you turn deaf and ignore My message. You are miserly and greedy. You believe you are on the right path, but you are deceived by your desires (Hubbud Dunya), boasting of your 'knowledge' yet failing to recognize My words.

    Who among you thinks that only the 'scholars' will know the Day that I (Allah ﷻ) have promised? You are foolish. The 'scholars' you wait for fear being accused of heresy and losing their livelihoods by selling My verses. You spy on My witnesses, and even if they die in your rage, you remain in denial and will find your place in My Hellfire (Jahannam). Even if you feel righteous and deny My call while doing nothing, you will still belong to the 'Left Group' because you did not take your place among the 'Right Group.'

    Believe in Me and in the Last Day. Call your people and tell them: 'The age is nearing its end; donate your sustenance together for Palestine.' But you will remain deaf, mute, and blind, waiting for some great event to happen before you believe. Yet, you are filled with delusions—when that great event happens, will you be saved, or will you die in denial?

    Open! Surah Nuh, verses 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, O Ruqhoyya. Read it to them! Will they take heed, or not? They may not need it, but I (Allah ﷻ) declare it because there are My servants who will choose the 'Right Group,' who will reform themselves and return to Me until the time that I (Allah ﷻ) have promised truly comes to pass."

    Surah Nuh (Noah)



    Verse 12: "He will increase your wealth and children and provide for you gardens and rivers."

    Verse 13: "Why do you not fear the greatness of Allah?"

    Verse 14: "While He has certainly created you in stages."

    Verse 15: "Do you not see how Allah has created the seven heavens in layers?"

    Verse 16: "And made the moon therein a light and made the sun a burning lamp?"

    Verse 17: "And Allah has truly created you from the earth."

    Ulaa'ika ‘alaa hudammirrabbihim wa ulaa'ika humul-muflihuun
    Ameen, O Allah, O All-Hearing, O All-Seeing. Alhamdulillah.


  29. 4 weeks ago

    This one makes me tear up every friggin time. The guitar in the outro gets me 💙 I feel like parkway drive gives me a hug every time I hear this song and I love them for it 🙏

  30. 3 weeks ago

    How is old enough to know the band

  31. 3 weeks ago

    Riceeeeeeeee 😂

  32. 2 weeks ago

    tryna keep my flame alive but…

  33. 2 weeks ago

    Their best song.

  34. 2 weeks ago

    I died twice and was revived by this song

  35. 2 weeks ago

    I put on my headphones just now and my phone just on its own opened spotify and this came on. Thanks for a new find spotify 🤘

  36. 1 week ago

    2:40 Rise!!!

  37. 1 week ago

    2025 anyone ? Fun fact I was in the video, shot at Lake Elsinore. Good time.

  38. 2025🤘😜💪

  39. 2:53 me at the Japanese restaurant:

  40. 2 days ago

    2025 and still listening everyday!!!!
