
REVIEW: TOWER’s Let There Be Dark

REVIEW: TOWER’s Let There Be Dark

(Cruz Del Sur)

Have seen this NYC band live, a handful of times, and can attest to their aggressive, full throttle intensity (bordering on chaotic punk ethos), centered around Sarabeth Linden’s theatrics, but also the no-hold-barred attack of guitarist James Danzo and Philippe Arman (bass).

However, like many young bands, their recorded output never replicated the energy of the concert experience. This newest batch of eight songs (there are also two short intros) not only rights that wrong, but adds hooks and a sense of melody that will remain, no matter how fast or loud they’re performed!

That’s not to say that Let There Be Dark is akin to sticking your face in a blast furnace. Far from it. In fact, the initial notes to “Under The Chapel” opener possess a Middle Eastern quality (a dizzying, repetitive circular buzz that Melechesh would be proud to call their own). Apparently it was inspired by a Yiddish childhood lullaby that Linden’s grandmother used to sing to her. No let-up, going into the title track.

Listen to Keith Mikus’ journey around the kit, as it ventures near thrash (at least speed metal) territory: tempo, groove, power. Wow! A tolling bell, some spoken, foreign tongued religious commentary and “Holy Water” is off and running. If Bruce Dickinson is The Air Raid Siren than Linden is a siren siren. No demure cooing for this lady. Midway through there’s a tasty break, stepping down the insanity, into a tuneful shuffle, complete with fleet fingered guitar bit. A well thought out, mature construct, start to finish.

Tower don’t really do ballads, but “And I Cry” starts with the first moments of subtlety (fourth song in), a haunting, echoing crescendo builder that takes off (but only ever getting to third gear) in the second half of its 4:45 duration. The titular phrase almost exclusively comprises the lyrical content. 80 seconds of acoustic guitar (entitled “Well Of Souls”) introduces “Book Of The Hidden” an old school, late ’70s hard rock/proto-metal sounding cut. “Legio X Fretensis” is a 34 seconds intermezzo of more (Middle) Eastern rhythms.

Can’t wait to hear/see “Iron Clad” in a club setting, everything they do, to the Nth degree: Linden screaming, guitars wailing, buzz created (and this time, it’s just on record). The first half of “Don’t You Say” is a moody, slow blues tune, before Danzo’s guitar is unleashed, for the all-instrumental conclusion.

Lengthy (6:40, the longest selection) disc ending “The Hammer” is more than just bludgeoning, offering multi-tracked vocals and military cadence drums. It’s length and “difference” seemingly destined it for the end of the platter, and nowhere else.

A jump around the room, party starter. Not for a quiet night in. Tower would have it no other way!

Rating: 8.0

Source: bravewords.com

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