
SIJJIN Announce New Album, ‘Helljjin Combat’, Reveal First Single

SIJJIN Announce New Album, ‘Helljjin Combat’, Reveal First Single

On April 25th, Sepulchral Voice Records will release SIJJIN‘s highly anticipated second album, Helljjin Combat, on CD and vinyl LP formats.

Hark and behold, all ye supporters of the darkest of metal, the time has finally come. Four years after the sheer onslaught which was Sumerian PromisesSIJJIN return with their second opus, entitled Helljjin Combat.

The German / Basque trio has delved into depths absolute, focusing their lens on the most antediluvian variety of death metal while bringing up a derivative of evil thrash with utmost evil intent. The album conjures its own life of Satanic imagery, diabolical debauchery, and biblical fatalism. SIJJIN follow the firm path they once took but permanently turn to the south of Heaven.

Recorded live at BlackStorm Studios in Karrantza, Basque Country, the new songs brim over with Satanic energy, countless tempo changes, vile twists and turns, a demanding instrumental performance, and riffs that drag you directly to the lowest point in Hell. On top of that, blessed with abysmal strength as it seems, Gericke’s vocals never sounded as raspy and malevolent as on Helljjin Combat or to put it simple, dirty as f**k. 

Adorned with an authentic and completely dry ’80s analog-sounding production, the record takes aim like fallen angels, storming the vaults in high Heaven. In stark contrast to the tracks on Sumerian Promises, SIJJIN’s newer direction focuses on more extensive song structures as practiced by the godfathers of mid-’80s metal insanity, bringing such infamous names as INFERNÄL MÄJESTY, NASTY SAVAGE, POSSESSED, and very early SLAYER or MEGADETH to mind. 

In conclusion, while seeking combat in Hell, the trio of SIJJIN has once more ultimately testified to be the trident in the left hand of the Devil. So mote it be!

In the meantime, hear the brand-new track “Five Blades” below.

Helljjin Combat track listing:

1. Fear Not The Tormentor
2. Dakhma Curse
3. Trance Of The Mummified
4. Death Opens The Grave
5. Religious Insanity Denies Slavery
6. Horrific Distortions
7. Five Blades
8. The Southern Temple

Source: metaladdicts.com

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