Slipknot takes it back to 1999 where it all started, exclusively performing songs from their self-titled debut album — including a couple songs that haven’t been played in 24 years, and others that haven’t been performed live in more than a decade. This was the second show of the Slipknot Here Comes The Pain 25th Anniversary Tour live in Burgettstown, PA just outside of Pittsburgh on August 7, 2024. This video was filmed in 4K.
0:00 7426170000027
2:14 (sic)
5:56 eyeless
10:41 wait and bleed
16:27 get this
18:38 eeyore
20:58 tattered and torn
22:50 me inside
25:30 liberate
29:16 frail limb nursery
30:47 purity
36:50 prosthetics
42:12 no life
46:19 Only one
49:02 mudslide
49:48 spit it out
54:58 surfacing
59:38 scissors
Thank you for the timecodes @mat2093
Source: sioproductions
0:00 7426170000027
2:14 (sic)
5:56 eyeless
10:41 wait and bleed
16:27 get this
18:38 eeyore
20:58 tattered and torn
22:50 me inside
25:30 liberate
29:16 frail limb nursery
30:47 purity
36:50 prosthetics
42:12 no life
46:19 Only one
49:02 mudslide
49:48 spit it out
54:58 surfacing
59:38 scissors
Not a fan of the gong not a fan of Eloy either I never liked Sepultura ever I want Jay Weinberg back😢 I went to ozzfest 99 Joey was always my favorite drummer for slipknot but Jay grew on me and he became my favorite after Joey such a shame they sidewinded him like that they could’ve did it a little better than that
Que show da mizera, só as antigas ❤
Eloys a fucking beast! He accents just like Joey did. Badass.🤘 He's channeling that, dude.
I havent heard these songs in years thank you for that and best ive ever heard corey live hes gotten better over the years
An angel gets its wings every time slipknot opens with (sic)
never old
they didn't play all the small thigs….. ??
We din't here the signer
Eloy is a machine
damn! Eloy from the faking legend band(SEpulturA) to of the best NU heavy metal bands all time?…..WOW!
nice tranfer…
I just hope tht the band will let him ''explore' in new song,like latin vibes or so,he is so good on that,Brazil style…:)
wow! on purity song Eloy neil it..almost sound like Joey..R.I.P Joey:(
I wrote these songs. Didn’t ask for a dime, and never will.
they play much slower witch this formation, which is good for corey. i love it
August 7th was actually my dads birthday
Slipknot is still unmatched
18:35 this scream 🔥
The new generation will never feel the spirit from 99 today
Was that an earthquake? Nahh is just Eloy.
สู้ไม่ได้อยู่ 1 องค์.ครับ.
Didn't they used to destroy all of their equipment including each others bones… This seemed rather tame 😅
We need another disasterpiece concert like dvd for this tour ! Please! 🙏🏻