Slipknot – Live at Roskilde, Denmark 2009
01. (Sic) [02:08]
02. Wait And Bleed [05:46]
03. Before I Forget [08:45]
04. Sulfur [13:00]
05. Psychosocial [18:05]
06. Duality [23:00]
07. Surfacing [28:00]
08. Spit It Out [33:05]
Source: DRMTrader
This is original era slipknot
Before Roskilde became a pussy hippie festival.
They were fkn tight in the ahig era holy cow
The Kurt Cobain on the flag is the best 3:48
So if i can see right:
One guy sings
One guy plays drums
Sexond guy plays drums
Third guy plays drums
One guy plays guitar?
Dats wassup. Seen dat bad ass mf grandpa.
Каков путь группы легенды уважение чертям могут гады🎉🎉🎉
Playlist por que si :v
2:11 (SIC)
5:48 Wait and Bleed
8:47 Before i forget
13:04 Sulfur
18:54 Psychosocial
23:44 Duality
28:00 Surfacing
33:20 Spit It Out (38:40 yomp de fokap :v)
Eu tô viciado em ver os Shows antigos do SlipKnot.💀
Paul and joey so young and gone 2 soon 😢 is it true why did they have to take drugs ?? ?
They were firing on all cylinders this night
Peoples in 2024 ???
Is it just me, or is Sulfer like 10 bpm faster live here? Freaking awesome!
13:17 Corey apalpando a bunda do Clown enquanto estão se olhando nos olhos. Que merda é essa? kkk
I fell in love in 2007 and still love you 💔
I was there. Good times.
This was my first ever Slipknot show and my second year at Roskilde – I was 19, and my mates and I got all the way to the front, where this cute little kid was standing with hos father a little behind him … one of the stewards looked at my friends and me and simply said, that there was gonna be a hell of a push from behind, so we were now responsible for protectin the kid – we did by having him stand in front of us and us just grapping the metal fence to make a protective zone for him … he had the time of his life, and frankly, so did we, especially when we saw how much this meant to that little guy ❤ (Note: we stayed with him 'till his father joined us, he got caught in a mosh, NOT planned XD)
R.I.P. Joey and Paul. #1 and #2. Icons. Legends. You are missed.
Oh….they amped
One of the very few Slipknot mixes that sound good. Good work whoever mixed this
One of the very few Slipknot mixes that actually sound good. Whoever mixed this did great
This was also their absolute biggest concert to date.. and they didn't let anyone down
Oh sorry… I was thinking about 2004
I was there all the way up front… never forget rip original lineup
I remember this concert. David Bowie was on the poster but had to cancel hes apperance, and slipknot was pulled in last moment to fill the spot. Crazy concert <3
I will always love being in a crowd full of maggots 🤘🏼🖤
only joey can play this kind of tempo!
Peak slipknot.
Someone has a Simpsons flag in the back of the crowd
Holly fucking shit, its brutal
sloppy as fuckk they fell from grace harddd
The beginning of the end it's awesome we have these streams. I'm not saying slipknot doesn't have it know but they do not have this !!!!
You might want to get you an army before you start talking like that shit😎
This year of 2009 was my 11th year straight at roskilde festival…. I got to 23 yrs straight before the corona virus broke my streak and I never returned. Instead I found other festivals that matched my taste better. Point is, this Concert is one of those hundreds of roskilde concerts I remember quite well. It was a blast to be there. I was all the way back of the crowd on the tribunes they used to have. Overlooking the crowd and seeing the orange stage is one of the most beutiful sights I have seen on this earth. I will remember that as long as I live.