Styx – Bethlehem, PA – August 10, 2006 * Full Concert
James “J.Y.” Young
Tommy Shaw
Todd Sucherman
Lawrence Gowan
Ricky Phillips
Blue Collar Man (Long Nights)
The Grand Illusion
Too Much Time on My Hands
I Am the Walrus (The Beatles cover)
Medley: Put Me On / Light Up / Madamoiselle / Heavy Metal Poisoning / Midnight Ride / Crystal Ball / Shooz / Queen of Spades / Great White Hope / Half-Penny, Two-Penny / Borrowed Time / Superstars / Mr. Roboto / Rockin’ the Paradise / Castle Walls / Man in the Wilderness / Put Me On / Grand Finale
Just Be (Styx and the Contemporary Youth Orchestra cover)
Fooling Yourself (The Angry Young Man)
Miss America
Come Sail Away
I Don’t Need No Doctor (Nickolas Ashford cover)
Source: Concert Fanatic
Dennis DeYoung said Lawrence should go back to Canada. He will have a mediocre career, enough to support himself. He was a man who had a fabulous career himself. De Young could not come close . Lawrence He was educated at a conservatory of music and passed with high marks. De young created his own band with a Tommy look alike and sings all hits, mostly that Tommy wrote. He looks and sounds like an 80 year old prima Dona..
They need to bring back the medley!
the best Dennis de young
Dennis deyoung original key of Styx no others
I am so glad that everybody can still see Styx and the new lead singer and keyboard player is doing a really really good job. It’s too bad. Dennis de Young is no longer with the band but I guess that happens sometimes.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💰💰💰💰
Lawrence Gowan looks so much like John Michael Higgins.
Like the guy who said this is when great bands were everywhere.
I just don’t know why they cant introduce new material under a separate name. I mean, they can play Styx songs for half the concert and then omit the Styx name during an intermission and come out rocking with new stuff. That would be awesome!
Please diehard Beatle fans, Styx imitates them to perfection.
Sad to think styx without DDY. 1 more time for the old fans. The backbone of the train. Put it aside. R.I.P. John C. A Day And John P. Thunder.💞🙏
Greatest American band ever to take a stage
love the canadian mix thnak you gowan and styx
from a canadian i love this
Dennis is clearly better on vocals, but looks like an amateur by comparison on the keys.
Not the same without Dennis and John
Todd Sucherman is a frkn beast. The rest are legendary in their own minds. If you look at their eyes these guys are f**** weirdos man. This keyboard is man he belongs in a circus.
Saw these guys a couple weeks ago still sound great one of best sounding shows ive been too saw them in 83 took me 40 years to see m again but well worth it
I was there
I miss Ricky. I’m happy he’s retired, but I do miss him very much. ❤❤
I saw STYX live in Utica,NY back in NOV 2019. Great show. Keep on rockin'