If you love Lorna Shore gutterals. You will love deathcore band, To Obey A Tyrant – Obsidian Sol reacted by Ohrion Reacts
Source: Ohrion Reacts
If you love Lorna Shore gutterals. You will love deathcore band, To Obey A Tyrant – Obsidian Sol reacted by Ohrion Reacts
Source: Ohrion Reacts
🎵 To Obey A Tyrant – Obsidian Sol
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i cant take bands like this one seriously simply because of how over the top his facial expressions are.
looks like hes being ran through a snapchat gag filter.
Leek deh neen ev seweerds
I cant unsee the swinging hair from metalpacolypse
Blegh sounded like a hitmarker lol
Idk why but, I find these metal influencers cringe asf.
here's the guitar tab: palm mute 1-0-0 and repeat for every kick. You're welcome.
Bro were where did u get the hat jawn’s fresh af
That was a lowercase blegh
That's not metal
Mors principium est rip offs. These guys sound like trash bruh.
He was doing a black metal voice, that's why he did a high tone blegh!
if Sal goes metal
The blegh was like a little kiss
These guys wish they could play like Demon King
I know many people like this genre of metal, but im sad to say that i just dont experience the same rush from these kindve breakdowns, idk why
Mental Cruelty and Cabal had a graveyard birth, and it was FILTHY!
Its so tiny
Jeff the Shark???
99% of deathcore just sounds like the same song now of days.