Here is some Black Metal for you !!
Varg Vikernes VS All (Black Metal Guitar Riffs Battle)
I picked two songs from each Burzum album and two songs from different bands from the same year . I know there are a lot of other great black metal bands but these are the ones i like most . So here is a big shout out to all those other bands missing.
Dissection song was released in 1995 !! My mistake, sorry !!
If some songs are not played 100% correctly , i am sorry , please calm down.
0:00 Intro
0:04 BURZUM – Ea Lord of the Depths
0:19 IMMORTAL – The Call of the Wintermoon
0:43 BURZUM – Black Spell of Destruction
1:08 SAMAEL – After the Sepulture
1:28 BURZUM – A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit
1:55 EMPEROR – I am the Black Wizards
2:17 BURZUM – Stemmen Fra Tårnet
2:45 DISSECTION – Where Dead Angels Lie
3:06 BURZUM – Lost Wisdom
3:36 MARDUK – Darkness Breeds Immortality
3:58 BURZUM – Snu Mikrokosmos Tegn
4:22 ROTTING CHRIST – The Sign of Evil Existence
4:43 BURZUM – Inn i Slottet Ira Droemmen
5:06 MAYHEM – Freezing Moon
5:41 BURZUM – Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
6:11 DARKTHRONE – Transilvanian Hunger
6:38 BURZUM – Dunkelheit
6:57 SATYRICON – Mother North
7:22 BURZUM – Jesu Død
7:46 GORGOROTH – Bergtrollets Hevn
8:15 BURZUM – Belus Dod
8:33 WATAIN – Malfeitor
9:10 BURZUM – Glemseves Elv
9:30 MGLA – Groza IV
9:54 BURZUM – Jeg Faller
10:22 BELPHEGOR – In Blood – Devour This Sanctity
10:48 BURZUM – Valen
11:11 TAAKE – Nordbundet
I love all the bands !!
Source: TheSuffocater
0:04 BURZUM – Ea Lord of the Depths
0:19 IMMORTAL – The Call of the Wintermoon
0:43 BURZUM – Black Spell of Destruction
1:08 SAMAEL – After the Sepulture
1:28 BURZUM – A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit
1:55 EMPEROR – I am the Black Wizards
2:17 BURZUM – Stemmen Fra Tårnet
2:45 DISSECTION – Where Dead Angels Lie
3:06 BURZUM – Lost Wisdom
3:36 MARDUK – Darkness Breeds Immortality
3:58 BURZUM – Snu Mikrokosmos Tegn
4:22 ROTTING CHRIST – The Sign of Evil Existence
4:43 BURZUM – Inn i Slottet Ira Droemmen
5:06 MAYHEM – Freezing Moon
5:41 BURZUM – Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
6:11 DARKTHRONE – Transilvanian Hunger
6:38 BURZUM – Dunkelheit
6:57 SATYRICON – Mother North
7:22 BURZUM – Jesu Død
7:46 GORGOROTH – Bergtrollets Hevn
8:15 BURZUM – Belus Dod
8:33 WATAIN – Malfeitor
9:10 BURZUM – Glemseves Elv
9:30 MGLA – Groza IV
9:54 BURZUM – Jeg Faller
10:22 BELPHEGOR – In Blood – Devour This Sanctity
10:48 BURZUM – Valen
11:11 TAAKE – Nordbundet
I really suggest to all of you guys to listen to all these songs separately, along with all the tons of good (or evil…) black metal songs out there. Enjoy!
Hails from Italy m/
“Varg is a genius” Maybe, but he also is a piece of shit as a person, and that’s ok. And also, many of his riffs are huge influential, but he copy many ideas of bathory and other first wave bands.
Vcs deviam formar uma dupla metaneja
Forgot Craft…😅
Варг всех уделал 🎉
Nemesis Divina is such a great album.
Doesnt Matter how good, how precise and how Genius he is. He is a racist and this is reason enough not to compare him with others. Sure, the music is great but he is not!
Dark funeral?😮
Vargs music gave some people a stabbing headache
All these RIFFS are Black Gold! But, seriously STFU to all the Burzum fanboys gushing. His riffs are great but if you think they are leaps beyond Emperor or Darkthrone you are daft af.
Why you didn't pick up a bass on a Varg place when played Freezing moon? It was so cool!
well this should be my next playlist !!! btw MARDUK !! at 3:36 i can't believe i never listened to them !!!
Varg is definitely the worlds biggest nerd…but you talk and follow with him enough you realize he is a special outcast, just doin what he does not giving af….based as the kids say these days….at least he's not American which makes it all unique.
Are you seriously making a tribute to a NEO NAZI? This video should be deleted!!! I refuse to watch videos from your channel, I'm a black, brazilian and a metalhead, I'm very offended by these comparisons of excellent bands. Black metal should not give space to nazis!!!
Honestly varg and euronymous wrote some of the best riffs in black metal, both were genius
Burzum wins.. all of them
It'd be cool if you did a Fenriz vs Varg video
Varg: Todos ustedes contra mí solo 😀
Sale ganando
Jeg faller is the best Burzum song in my opinion
Dissections guitar work is better than all of them. Period. Jon was a mastermind in the guitar department.
Burzum created the black metal sound. Everybody has to know this.
Satyricon>>all metal band
varg wins all, die mgla thing…. we old people yeah 10/10 haha 😀
5:06 … silence moment
Jesus tod >
I cant take anyone who says "Burzum sucks" seriously. Yeah, taste is subjective, but Varg's contribution to black metal, which still inspires new artists to this day is undeniable, and his riffs are objectively good black metal. They create an atmosphere that many bands do not even come close to. Varg created so many timeless BM masterpieces. People who say it sucks are just saying it because they have an issue with Varg. I refuse to believe any black metal fan, especially those who listen to a lot of stuff from the 90s, is being honest when they talk trash about Varg's musical talent.