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Performed, Recorded, and Re-Arranged by:
NiNi Music
Written By:
Dolores O’Riordan (The Cranberries)
#thecranberries #badwolves #zombie #cover #asianfolkmetal #folkmetal #shamisen #thehu #otyken #ninimusic
Source: Nini Music
Thanks everyone from Patreon & My Streams for helping me fund this cover!
Come see me on tour: https://ninimusic.me/tour-1
Download/Stream the FULL song (for FREE): https://ninimusic.bandcamp.com/releases
Ahh i found a my music for workout at fasting Ramdhan after fajr
Honestly, I'm a huge fan of The Cranberries and this song in particular, so I'm picky about covers. This hit all the right notes for me, pardon the pun, It was brilliant.
the solo is amazing <3
BEutifUL 🤘
I'd luv to lay sum drum tracks!!🤘❤️🔥🤟
🇺🇲🤘😎🤘🇹🇼 Awesome! Folk Metal not war!
Howdy, Ms.Nini!
I love your music❤
😮 Very cool 😭✌️
1. слишком быстрый/весёлый ритм. теряется настроение песни
2. нужно, чтобы кто-нибудь пел
3. 1:41 это саундтрек к "Реквием по мечте"?
в остальном, задумка интересная
my heart beats electronic dance music, I was a DJ myself for a while, I've always liked freelance music whether acoustic or not, metal isn't really my thing but there's something about it that draws me in.
What a BEAUTY…… remembers me to mongolian Sounds….but she looks better…than the HU….
So beautiful
YOYOguitar is all grown up
Thanks a lot !
Very much enjoyed this. What was the traditional instrument you were playing?
So beautiful, thank you 😻💜
She went crazy at the end ❤❤❤
Are they Japanese? this is awesome!
genialne i tak bardzo brAKUJE DOLORES ..
amazinggggggg :))))
Outstanding!!!!! Delores really would have been honored!
Makeme smile😊
I am not going to lie…I usually do not like covers of this song. It was so personal and raw for The Cranberries and the Dolores, that it is almost offensive because renakes could never capture the pain and frustration in the original.
I am proven wrong today.
Thank you for such a powerful performance. 🙏
Beautiful ❤
Передрали музыку и положили на другие инструменты, чего эпичного и восхвалебного,?
This is so beautiful
Beautiful. Know this song so we’ll and your music and video editing are perfect.
And I thought the original was haunting ❤
Wow 😮 such an amazing cover. As soon as you started I could hear the lyrics. Definitely top 2 cover of zombie sorry bad wolves cover is epic.
그냥 그래!!!
You are so cool and talented !!!! ❤❤❤
Wow!!!!!! Awesome!!! Love this !! ❤❤❤❤❤
Ну так себе, как по столу пальцем настукивать по столу.
I think Marie would approve of this. ❤❤❤ I know I do
Der Moment, wenn der Lautstärkeregler am Anschlag ist und man einfach lauter will… Hammer, genial, super, unbeschreiblich gutes Cover mit absoluter Ohrwurmgarantie. Vielen Dank dafür und ganz herzliche Grüße aus Deutschland. Respect to to cranberries and dolores o'riordan. R.I.P. 😢
So awesome!
Wow that guitar is very unique, what brand and model is that? im playing guitar myself and now i kinda wanna try a 4 string guitar out myself